
andmorefood is my tribute to the places I’ve visited and eaten at, and focuses on food in London, Singapore and my travels in Europe and Asia. I chronically need to take photographs before I have (or let my companions take) a bite, and so I hope you like the photos (and maybe the writing too!).

please leave credits where you use photos please, and let me know if you do!

if you’re wondering about those dollar-signs,
$: cheap (<20)
$$: reasonable (20<x<40)
$$$: rather expensive (40<x<70)
$$$$: expensive (>70)

contact me at andmorefood(at)gmail(dot)com for recommendations, information or even just to say hello! and if you’re social media crazy,  I can also be found at
pinterest, and my new favourite

I have a blog on words too, if you like that sort of thing. and even if you don’t, have a pop-by at andsomewords.wordpress.com.

43 thoughts on “about

  1. Hello, I just found your blog and I love it! Makes me want to travel more and eat in every city of the world. “Get curious, get hungry, get lost” :-)

  2. You have wonderful photos and interesting and helpful information. I look forward to exploring your work more as a follower!

  3. Hi ya Sonya. Bunny. Eats. Design. sent me your way. I wrote/in the process of writing a blog about Internationalmfood blogs that inspire. Where is home base for you? Because, dang, you are an inspiration. Would love for the world to see your work. I just posted on Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, et al, but a second edition is always good. I typically use a photo and then link to the main page of the site, link to the photo, and then choose two other page links that look amazing. Let me know. Here’s a link to that post. http://chefjanetrorschach.com/2013/07/22/a-global-crawl-oceania/

    Now I must go through your posts and drool. Have a fantastic day!


    • hi janet! thank you, and you’re much too kind. I’m based in singapore (so maybe I can make your next globe crawl – had a look on the page and it seems like you’re doing asia!). I’ll be honored if you choose to feature my photos!

  4. Reading some of the blog posts from Singapore reminds me of my year in the city. Truly miss the food there! Great blog!

  5. Just came across your blog … I love it! Great posts and great pictures – thank you so much for sharing :)

  6. Hi! As I’m sure you can tell from your spammed notifier, I love your blog! Gorgeous pics for most everything, & honest reviews. BTW, I like your new-old non-magazine style better. The mag style was very impressive for the pics, but it made for a much harder reading.

    • omg! did you read everything (and therefore saw the even more amateurish photos from the start? thanks for the kind words, and for taking the time!

      the magazine style was gorgeous for the time though – but it truly was a bit of madness. I’m incredibly OCD so I spent HOURS trying to arrange things to perfection – only to make it tough for everyone else :p

      and I love that you popped over here so I got to see your blog – you take great photos and such detailed reviews! such a paragon of a food writer :D

      • Er… Yeah… Sort of… I did go back all the way, although at one point I started to ask myself just how many more years of blog I was dealing with, as you don’t have archives so I had no idea & by that time it’d taken me days already, but actually there wasn’t much more to come. The magazine styled ones I didn’t read through so much as just ogle at the pics :D I’m totally in love with your blog because A) you take great photos, B) actually have taste, C) write helpful reviews & D) a lot of the places you go to I’d go to myself [reasons in no particular order]. For some reason, I’ve found it less than super easy to find restaurant review blogs on here & of the ones I do find, most people don’t go to places I’d like & the remainder splits itself into unhelpful reviews, people without taste & in some cases, pictures so bad even I for the life of me can’t tell anything from. I need at least halfway decent pictures to get an idea because I sure as hell can’t take people’s word for things & trust me, what you deem your amateurish photos from several years back are WORLDS better than what I’m talking about.
        Thanks so much for the compliments & the follow, coming from you that does mean a lot! Sure can’t wait to read more reviews from you as well.

  7. hello sonya!!! i’ve spent the bulk of my night on your page, scrolling through post after post but i can’t get further than mid 2013 because the night is too short. your travel photos are amazingggg and i love how you’re afraid to say it if something isn’t to your liking (: i’ll be back for more!!

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